Save the Dates!
The WOW Sweepstakes Ball and Runaway Pumpkin 10k & 5k Run/Walk are two of the Lakes Region’s most anticipated and fun fundraising events. They offer the opportunity to invest in the continued expansion and maintenance of this growing regional rail trail. We welcome you to save the dates and join us for one or both of these events in 2018.

The 14th Annual WOW Sweepstakes Ball will be held on May 19th at Gunstock Mountain Resort. This “casual is cool” event is sold out every year and features an evening of dinner, dancing, silent & live auctions and a sweepstakes drawing where $13,000 in cash prizes are given away, including a $10,000 Grand Prize.

The 4th annual Runaway Pumpkin 10K & 5K Run/Walk will once again kick off Laconia’s Pumpkin Festival, scheduled for October 13th. This family friendly run/walk includes a kids fun run and delicious age category prizes courtesy of Annie’s Café & Catering.